For me, each painting is a love song or poem dedicated to creation, establishing the rule of love in me and in everything, it is being able to be free in a simple way, it is reaching God.

Arts and fashion studios - Chardon Savard workshop and Chamber of Haute Couture, Paris.
Drawing courses - School of Fine Arts, Paris.
Art Studies - Fine Arts Students League, New York.
Educator in Health Ayurveda and Psychology with Laura Gutman's method of Human Biography.
Graduated as Master in Family Constellations - Open Center, New York
Constellation Studies with an emphasis on Sacred Geometry, Bogota, Colombia
Music Therapy Studies - Open Center, New York.
Yoga and meditation studios - Bihar yoga school of Master Satyananda, India and Australia.
Cooking Studies with an emphasis on vegan and vegetarian cuisine - Academy of gastronomy Argentina, Buenos Aires.
Philosophy Studies - School of Philosophy, New York
Landscaping and bioconstruction studio - Organismo School in Tenjo, Colombia.
Doula studies of life and death